EAHAD 2025
Octapharma Symposium: Is it time for equity in the treatment of severe VWD and severe haemophilia A?
Is it time for equity in the treatment of severe VWD and severe haemophilia A?
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
17:15 - 18:30
Room Ocean 1&2
Join us at EAHAD 2025 as we explore the benefits of prophylaxis for VWD patients and dive into the reasons why these severe patients are undertreated compared to patients with severe haemophilia A. We will also examine new long-term prophylaxis data from the WIL-31 study, the only VWD study with a prospective on-demand run-in study as an intra-individual comparator. This session will also look at the efficacy of von Willebrand factor in the surgical management of patients.
Meet the speakers
Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Maria Elisa Mancuso, IT
Ensuring Optimal Care for von Willebrand Disease Patients
Robert F. Sidonio Jr., US
Prophylaxis Redefined: WIL-31 Study's Impact on VWD Management
Ana Boban, HR
The Power of Equality: Efficacy of 1:1 VWF: FVIII Concentrate in Patients VWD
Roger Schutgens, NL
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