
ISTH 2024

Octapharma Under the Spotlight Symposium

Next-Level Insights on Prophylaxis in von Willebrand Disease - Are You Addressing Your Patients’ Needs?

Monday, June 24, 2024
12:15 - 13:30 ICT
Room 210

Join us as we examine the critical role of prophylaxis in severe VWD. Further results of the largest clinical study in prophylaxis for VWD will be presented, alongside exploring the role of prophylaxis for heavy menstrual bleeding and optimising care during pregnancy for VWD patients.

Symposium programme



Welcome and Introduction

Chair: Craig Kessler, US

The Critical Role of Prophylaxis in Severe VWD

Wolfgang Miesbach, DE

From Clinical Study to Clinical Practice: Refining Prophylaxis in VWD

Robert F. Sidonio Jr., US

Prophylaxis for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: EMPOWERing Choices

Ana Boban, HR

Optimising Care for Expectant Women: The VWF in Pregnancy (VIP) Study

Jill Johnsen, US


Speakers and Audience

This symposium is for healthcare professionals only and is organised and sponsored by Octapharma. This is a promotional symposium and Octapharma products will be discussed. Before prescribing any product, always refer to local materials such as the prescribing information and/or the summary of product characteristics.

Meet the speakers

Chair: Craig Kessler

Wolfgang Miesbach

Robert F. Sidonio Jr.

Ana Boban

Jill Johnsen

Join live on One Source

In case you cannot join us in person for the ISTH congress in Bangkok, we invite you to watch our symposium live on One Source, Octapharma's online platform.

The event is for healthcare professional only.